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  • An Effective Ayurvedic Product for Cleaning Lungs from Poisonous TAR and Air Pollution.
  • Removes cigarette and pollution induced black dust from the lungs through cough.
  • Natural product which helps in controlling Asthma and Allergy problems.
  • Clinically Tested Product. Boosts Immunity, suitable for all age groups.
  • Improves digestion.





There is a sense of urgency in the air. Air pollution is slowly making its way into our homes and our lungs, causing many breathing problems and respiratory ailments. These desperate mes call for urgent measures.


A remarkable formulaon by DAYJOY, Asthprash guards your lungs against the harmful effects of pollution and lets you make the most of your one breath. Encompassing the healing powers of Tulsi, Mulethi, Kali Mirch, Vasa Patra, Honey, and Ayurveda's other miracles, Asthprash is an all-natural recommendaon for lung cleansing, without any side effects.


Effecvely improving the lung funticion of prolonged smokers, the herbal formulaon cleans and nourishes the cilia and supports its funcon of throwing out the toxins and tar.


Asthprash also possesses many anoxidant properes that help in boosng the body's internal defense mechanism - the immune system, guarding one from day-to-day infecons such as cough, cold, influenza, etc.


₹1,999.00 Regular Price
₹1,340.00Sale Price
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